happiness, n.
Trough ages, observers of the human condition have printed out the tragedy:people are happy when they feel better off than their neighbors, unhappy when they feel worse off.
>> But, O! how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness trough another man's eyes. <<
- William Shakespere -
>> Happiness, n. An agreeable snsation arising from contemplating the misery of others. <<
- Ambrose Bierce -
>> It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. <<
- Gore Vidal -
>> But, O! how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness trough another man's eyes. <<
- William Shakespere -
>> Happiness, n. An agreeable snsation arising from contemplating the misery of others. <<
- Ambrose Bierce -
>> It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. <<
- Gore Vidal -
siria - 9. Oct, 20:48